An Acupuncturist meets AcuEnergetics

A NEW WAY OF HEALING: An Acupuncturist Meets AcuEnergetics®

by Rupa H Selecki BHSc.TCM., MAcS

The ancient Chinese believed a universal life energy called Qi is present in every living creature. This energy is said to circulate throughout the body along specific pathways called meridians. As long as this energy flows freely throughout the meridians, health is maintained. But once the flow of energy is blocked, the system is disrupted; pain and illness occur.Continue reading

The heart: Inner ecology

When considering inner ecology the first thing that comes to mind is the heart. I am referring to the energetic heart- the center of beauty truth and wisdom. It is the link between the the physical world and the divine consciousness. Also it represents pure love and non attachment. Mystical traditions have referred to this as the Buddha nature or the light within.

Whatever work we do in our inner or outer environment – this can be our daily work activities, our exercise, eating, cleaning our house driving our car this can be enhanced and transformed by the energy of the unobstructed heart. In this way the inner and outer are not separate.

Using tools of meditation and awareness we can become aware and let go of our attachments and the veils which cloud the heart. This is how we can affect the world.

Here is a meditation we can practice …Continue reading